Simple and comfortable ordering
How can I order in this shop?
1. Shopping basket
Choose the products, which you want to order by clicking the button „buy now“. Thus puts your choice into the basket. You can change your choice by changing the amount of product or clicking the button “delete article” as far as sending the order to us or you can cancel the order. By clicking the button “buy now” you get to the next step of the chain of order.
2. Cash desk
Sign in with your e mail account and your password, if you have an account already, otherwise register as a new client, or take the checkout as guest. Your data are captured, processed and used under keeping the data security guideline. Another usage or passing on third persons does not happen. By clicking the button „continue“ you will get to the next step.
3. Checking invoice address / select method of payment
Now check your invoice address and choose a payment method. By clicking the button „continue“ you will get to the next step.
4. Checking delivery address / select the type of delivery
Now check the delivery address and choose a type of delivery. By clicking the button „continue“ you will get to the next step.
5. Complete the order / further conditions and data security
You will receive an overview of your order: the selected products, the delivery and invoice address and your contact data. Check if all is correct and read carefully the terms of conditions and the countermand information carefully. Now you can continue your order, when you have read the terms of conditions and the data security guideline (setting the tick). By clicking the button “order liable to pay” you send us your order. With this you make an legally binding quotation.
Law of countermand for customers
All information to countermand